Specific machinery for the measurement of bacteriological filtration of surgical masks "Andersen's impactor".
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Project description
Development of an instrument for the measurement of bacteriological filtration (BFE), as prescribed by UNI EN 14683, derived from the Andersen 6-stages impactor. An equipment for laboratory tests and trials essential for the evaluation of the quality of tissues and NT that can be used, in one or more layers, for the fabrication of surgical masks and then for their certification.
Provide the accredited laboratories with simple and inexpensive testing and reliability testing facilities for the approval of fabric and NT masks in a short time. The equipment must be produced on an industrial scale quickly and compatible with the contingencies of the current pandemic.
The equipment for tests and trials, reliable, simple, low cost and complying with UNI EN 14683 standards, can be used for research and development in the field of new materials for bacteriological filtration and in the post COVID-19 phase also for the protection of the population from biological and environmental pollutants.